The Image of Feminism in the Polish Women’s Press in the Years 1989–1992

The research was aimed at reconstructing the media image of feminism which was presented in the most popular Polish magazines dedicated to women in the years 1989–1992. The research time period corresponded to the first stage of the system transformation in Poland. It was initiated by the year in which the Round Table Talks were held and it ended with the adoption of the so-called “Small Constitution” in 1992. There were three detailed questions formulated: 1. How was feminism defined in the Polish women’s press? 2. How often was this topic subject to discussions? 3. Which determinant factors affected the image of feminism depicted by the editorial offices of the women’s press? The text analysis and the content analysis revealed that the image of feminism in the Polish women’s press in the period under study was fragmentary and cultural, historical and political aspects exerted a crucial influence on its structure.

1 Publikacja przygotowana/dofinansowana ze środków budżetu państwa w ramach programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki” Ministra Edukacji i Nauki. Jest wynikiem udziału w projekcie „Ośrodek Badań Historii Kobiet ‒ kontynuacja”.

Słowa kluczowe: feminism, media image of feminism, Polish women’s press, women’s press in the years 1989‒1992

Opublikowany: 28 grudnia 2022 r.

DOI: 10.15290/cnisk.2022.02.13.08

Sposób cytowania: CNISK, 2022, nr 13 (2), 185-206/DOI 10.15290

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Autorzy: Anna Szwed-Walczak (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie)

The Image of Feminism in the Polish Women’s Press in the Years 1989–1992

The research was aimed at reconstructing the media image of feminism which was presented in the most popular Polish magazines dedicated to women in the years 1989–1992. The research time period corresponded to the first stage of the system transformation in Poland. It was initiated by the year in which the Round Table Talks were held and it ended with the adoption of the so-called “Small Constitution” in 1992. There were three detailed questions formulated: 1. How was feminism defined in the Polish women’s press? 2. How often was this topic subject to discussions? 3. Which determinant factors affected the image of feminism depicted by the editorial offices of the women’s press? The text analysis and the content analysis revealed that the image of feminism in the Polish women’s press in the period under study was fragmentary and cultural, historical and political aspects exerted a crucial influence on its structure.

Keywords: feminism, media image of feminism, Polish women’s press, women’s press in the years 1989‒1992

Published: 28 December 2022

DOI: 10.15290/cnisk.2022.02.13.08

Cite this article as: CNISK, 2022, vol. 13 (2), 185-206/DOI 10.15290

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Authors: Anna Szwed-Walczak (Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin)

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